Sunday, August 10, 2008

Let's Sing a Song!!

In every summer vacation, ESS club has a camp in Yamanashi.
And our members have to perform many (funny) things,
for example, dancing, singing, drama and so on.

We, sophomore, decided to "sing a song".
The title is...mmm secret!
Because there are some seniors and juniors who belong to ESS in this Internet English class.
This performance is top secret for them, so I cannot tell you...haha

Hint---gospel music

I'm looking forward to having a camp in Yamanashi!!
I can't wait!!!!

Driving with my family =3 =3

Today I went to Kamakura and Shonan area with my family. There are sooooooooooooo many visiters who were swimming in the sea. We were very surprised at seeing that. As you know, in every summer, Enoshima and Shonan area are full of visiters

<----This is Enoden train. It's so cute, isn't is!?

The trmperature in Kamakura is lower than that in Shonan area. Because there are a lot of trees and mountains in Kamakura, I think.
Lots of Cicadas and higurashis were singing. Ahh, it is a beautiful Japanese nature.

This is Tsuru-ga-oka shrine. ---->

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Maki Maki Makky : )

Today, I met my best friend whose name was Makiko at Chigasaki.

Makiko (Makky) and I went to the same elementary school, the same junior high school and the same high school! So our terms of friendship is about 15years : ) It's so long, isn't it?

Makky's dream is becoming a teacher of kindergarten.
Because her father is a director of a kindergarten.

When she will succeed her father's job and when I have a child, I want to let him or her enter her kindergarten!
It's not so far dream, I think...